w a l k i n g s e s s i o n 3


A P R I L  30,  2009 


elephant texts {textual findings, discussions with residents, meeting attendances, library readings . . .}


locus-solus fragments



choose some cells inside the grid below to perform (write and re-write) your texts.

choose a background color for all your cells.

<to do this: right-click on your cell and choose: cell --> cell properties --> backround color>



A U T H O R   L I S T 

1. panos kouros - - cell color { #99cccc }     








Sur une étendue assez vaste, des dents humaines s'espaçaient de tous
côtés, offrant une grande variété de formes et de couleurs. 
No the park should remain, its just a dumb idea to build,
there were children playing football here,
just two years ago, so fast the area changed,
and now its weird at night, no you can't walk alone.
Let us coach you! Alcohol Use. Disease. See map over the page
C'était le maître
lui-même qui avait inventé la composition ocreuse

local crime history can be used as a key starting point to wake

dreams, desires, obsessions and nightmares of the city.

These chronicles propose a

voyage to Milan's collective unconscious by presenting 6 scenic views of the city.

En parlant, Noël nous mettait le dé sous les yeux. Paraissant veiné par
les lettres, l'ensemble des six faces, numérotées en angle de _1_ à _6_,
montrait isolément ces trois formules: _L'ai-je eu? l'ai-je? l'aurai-je?_
une fois en rouge, l'autre en noir, chacune occupant la plate antipode
de sa pareille.
    Charly Chaplin is a great actor, I'd like watching him at some time.
  Eggs throwing. Spitting. Racial abuse. Physical Assault. Damage to home. Threats. Noise. Harassment. Damage to Car. ...it brought us closer together.

English Martyrs

Parish Hall

Social Club

  don't build on nursery row park "Without there being Latins and Latinos there would be no London," London Assembly chair Jennette Arnold told a rally at the Elephant & Castle Leisure Centre on Sunday.
  The Procurement Project. Free business tendering seminar. Selling your business for Tender Success.

roussel in elephant and castle.
Ill-at-ease splendour enchants.
Alleluia! Not decent sharpness.
Hosanna! Depressant cellulite.
As pollutes nice neanderthals.
Ethicalness and sane polluter.
Cheapest and ultra loneliness.
Enthralled cleanness utopias.
Lionheart cleanness, pulsated.
Tunnel shapeless declaration.
Neat phalluses on credentials.
Lunacies enthrall sane despot.
Ill-natured sales cheapens not.
Not earliest panache dullness.


Il construisit la _demoiselle_ que nous avions sous les yeux et la pourvut des cinq chronomètres supérieurs chargés d'en régler toutes les évolutions-- I want to live here in the way I do for years.

  Reopening Tuesday 21st April. Cafe Crypt. Drink. Relax. Call Crypt Co-operative.

-Ok than, listen love:  

I do not need changings and when I do I can do it on my own.  In the centre, right at the top of the page where he had stopped counting, he wrote "Cell Days", in his usual manner, but using printed capitals throughout. I don’t need someone to change things for me, I paint that building (he show the white house across the street)   

-I'd like a 100.000 pounds and a partner.

-Charley Chaplin is useless, he was born here


butcher launderette

heygate clubroom

up ramp

doctors surgery


Above the left-hand column he wrote "Credit", and beneath the righ-hand one "Debit". The latter title was written directlty back to front - without difficulty, thanks to the geometrical simplicity of the characters adopted.     
      Francis Chappel & Sons. Funeral directors & Memorial Consultants. Dignity. Caring funeral services.

occupied play park

- miss  S. Is from South Africa originally, she grow up in Hey Gate. Single mother

She is working in the area as sociologist she is also a writer...we head a long deep talk...-

institute of traditional carate-do    
As part of black history month we are running special film evenings with lively debates.
Thanks to our closeness, we noticed on the envelope the words "peeress", which was the only one to be written in red ink.    Everybody here can do the same. We need to fix some stuff  and not to regenerate everything   

Tattooed flowers on the arm of the man in Elephant and Castle

(Ornamented skin with bloom on the arm )

  now look how things are, changes are always for the better, people are unhappy, no one is going to leave them homeless, they will give them smaller houses, with higher standards, these buildings were built after 2nd world war, it is for the benefit of the area.
What will happen if I start crying? What about the lines then? Those straigth, vertical lines, I mean, will they stay?    Collecting a very small quantity of glittering powder this time in his left hand, he settled himself again in front of The Eocene.  These notes are for guidance only and reflect the position at the time of writing. They do not affect any right of appeal.